This page provides a selection of the best sites covered by this website. These locations are the ones you won't want to miss, especially if you are just here for a short time. Most of these sites are highly-rated by the local birding community, but I'm sure that my prejudices have crept in here and there. No doubt there are local birders who will disagree with some of my choices or omissions. Please let me know what YOU think. Contact me at Together we can make this site even better.
There are four ways of accessing Ottawa's top birding spots: Time of Year, Quadrant, Habitat, and Bird Type. The "Time of Year" section is divided into five subsections, some with slight overlap for convenience. The "Quadrant" sections simply divides the circle into four parts (see the circle map page). The "Habitat" and "Bird Type" sections have several subgroups each, and are often quite generalized. This page is still under construction. Sites are only added here if a page exists to link to. Therefore many excellent sites are not yet included. Please be patient.
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