NeilyWorld      Birding Ottawa - Winter Birding

    OTTAWA WINTER LIST: 2011 - 2012
Count to February 11, 2012:    122
See complete list below. Please email your sightings of birds not yet reported.

Many birders try to make the best of our long, COLD winters here in Ottawa by keeping a "Winter List". Birders have arbitrarily set the temporal bounds of "their" winter to include the three months of December, January and February; this despite the thousands of years old convention of reckoning the seasons. A winter list of 90 or more in the Ottawa checklist circle is excellent, but the goal serious listers usually gun for is the 100 species mark. The Cumulative Ottawa Winter List stood at 186 prior to the winter of 2010-11. Species new to the cumulative list are shown in red.
One serious drawback to winter birding, especially in a place like Ottawa, where winter keeps getting worse through the entire three month period, is that the law of deminishing returns eventually sets in. The first weeks of December are the most critical for building a large winter list. Lingering birds, not yet cold enough or lacking in food supplies, make up a large portion of the variety in a "winter" list. This is the major argument for sticking to the old seasonal "winter", most of those birds have departed by the time winter really begins on the 21st or 22nd of December. By mid-January (if not by mid-December), Ottawa birders can predict their final winter species count fairly accurately. It can make February birding somewhat less interesting (but then, you could work on your February list!).
Despite this, interest in winter listing has grown in leaps and bounds here in Canada. Most provinces now keep winter lists. See Blake Maybank's Winter Listing Web Pages for links to these and several reional lists. These lists help generate interest in an otherwise quiet season, birdwise. And they provide listers with a list of possibilities for their next outing. These may be either birds seen that they need for their winter list or birds that should have been seen but haven't yet been reported. Thus the Birding Ottawa Ottawa Winter List page. It will require your input. If you see any species not listed as seen this winter, please let me know so that they can be included. If the species is not easily found in the area, the location of the sighting or sightings may be given. If the location has its own page, you can access more details and directions by clicking its link.

Check the Birding Ottawa  Past Years' Ottawa Winter Lists.
Birding Ottawa's Cumulative Ottawa Winter Lists
Check the last Birding Ottawa Winter Specialty Status page.
Review Past Years' Winter Specialty Status Pages.
See the Birding Ottawa  Ottawa Winter Listing page.
Review the Birding Ottawa  Current RBA or Older RBAs.
Check the Current Winter Finch Forecast or Past Winter Finch Forecasts courtesy Ron Pittaway.
Return to Birding Ottawa  Where and When to See Guide.
Return to Birding Ottawa  Table of Contents.

2011 - 2012:      OTTAWA WINTER BIRD LIST      Count to February 11, 2012:    122
         This is meant to be a combined list for all Ottawa birders to submit to, and hopefully will be an accurate reflection of which species have been seen this winter within our OFNC checklist circle (50 km radius from the Peace Tower). Species new to the cumulative list are shown in red.
     Species Location Date
     Snow Goose Moodie Drive Quarry Pond/Richmond and Akins Roads Dec. 1
     Cackling Goose Moodie Drive Quarry Pond Dec. 1
     Canada Goose common Dec. 1
     Wood Duck Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Gadwall Shirleys Bay Dyke Dec. 1
     American Wigeon Britannia/Shirleys Bay Dyke Dec. 1
     American Black Duck various Dec. 1
     Mallard common Dec. 1
     Northern Shoveler Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Northern Pintail Baie Noire/Parc des cèdres Dec. 1/18
     Green-winged Teal Shirleys Bay Dec. 1
     Canvasback North Service Road c. Petrie Islands/Britannia Point Dec. 2
     Ring-necked Duck Moodie Drive Quarry Pond Dec. 1
     Greater Scaup Ottawa River Dec. 1
     Lesser Scaup Ottawa River Dec. 1
     Surf Scoter Ottawa CBC Dec. 18
     White-winged Scoter Ottawa Beach Dec. 1
     Black Scoter Ottawa Beach Dec. 1
     Long-tailed Duck Shirleys Bay Dyke Dec. 1
     Bufflehead Ottawa River Dec. 1
     Common Goldeneye Rideau and Ottawa Rivers Dec. 1
     Barrow's Goldeneye Deschenes Rapids, QC Dec. 4
     Hooded Merganser Britannia Dec. 1
     Common Merganser Rideau and Ottawa Rivers Dec. 1
     Red-breasted Merganser Andrew Haydon West Dec. 1
     Ruddy Duck Moodie Drive Quarry Pond Dec. 1
     Gray Partridge Terry Fox Drive just south of Richardson Side Road/Maple Grove Road Dec. 26/Jan. 5
     Ruffed Grouse Trail 56 a few km E of Ramsay Lake Dec. 10
     Wild Turkey 417 and Montreal Road Dec. 4
     Red-throated Loon Britannia Pier Dec. 1
     Common Loon Andrew Haydon West Dec. 1
     Pied-billed Grebe Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Horned Grebe Britannia Dec. 1
     Red-necked Grebe Ottawa Beach Dec. 4
     Double-crested Cormorant Andrew Haydon Park Dec. 3
     Great Blue Heron Ottawa Beach/Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Turkey Vulture Chemins Baillie and de la Montagne Dec. 10
     Bald Eagle Eardley Escarpment/Shirleys Bay/Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Northern Harrier Regimbald Road Dec. 4
     Sharp-shinned Hawk Queensway c. Merivale Dec. 3
     Cooper's Hawk Embrun Dec. 7
     Northern Goshawk North end of Kennedy Road near Eardley Dec. 31
     Red-shouldered Hawk Grimes Road neighbourhood of Aylmer Jan. 1
     Red-tailed Hawk Shirley's Bay woods/417 near Vars Dec. 1
     Rough-legged Hawk Rifle Road Dec. 1
     Golden Eagle Eardley Escarpment Dec. 1
     American Kestrel Hwy 148 and Chemin Alary/Casselman Dec. 1
     Merlin Petrie Islands Dec. 5
     Peregrine Falcon Coats Building Dec. 5
     American Coot Billings Bridge Dec. 18
     Sandhill Crane Smith and Milton Roads Dec. 2
     Ring-billed Gull Ottawa and Rideau Rivers Dec. 1
     Herring Gull Ottawa and Rideau Rivers Dec. 1
     Thayer's Gull Ottawa Beach Dec. 4
     Iceland Gull various Dec. 1
     Glaucous Gull Trail Road Dec. 1
     Great Black-backed Gull Ottawa River Dec. 1
     Rock Pigeon common Dec. 1
     Mourning Dove common Dec. 1
     Eastern Screech Owl Deschenes Dec. 4
     Great Horned Owl Bleeks Road Dec. 10
     Snowy Owl Moodie Drive Quarry Pond/Deschenes Rapids Dec. 1
     Barred Owl Dewberry Trail on Dolman Ridge Dec. 18
     Short-eared Owl Earl Armstrong Road Dec. 7
     Northern Saw-whet Owl c. Richmond Dec. 2
     Belted Kingfisher Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Red-bellied Woodpecker Carleton Place/Pakenham Dec. 2
     Downy Woodpecker various Dec. 1
     Hairy Woodpecker various Dec. 1
     Black-backed Woodpecker opposite 721 Clarence-Cambridge Road Jan. 8
     Three-toed Woodpecker Ramsey Lake Road Jan. 25
     Northern Flicker Britannia (ridge) Dec. 18
     Pileated Woodpecker Baie Noire/Carp Ridge near March Road Dec. 2
     Northern Shrike Rifle Road/Pioneers Trail/Baie Noire Dec. 1
     Blue Jay common Dec. 1
     Gray Jay Ramsey Lake Road Jan. 25
     American Crow common Dec. 1
     Common Raven various Dec. 1
     Horned Lark Giroux Road Jan. 5
     Black-capped Chickadee common Dec. 1
     Red-breasted Nuthatch Carp Ridge near March Road Dec. 2
     White-breasted Nuthatch various Dec. 1
     Brown Creeper Carp Ridge near March Road Dec. 2
     Carolina Wren Britannia Dec. 7
     Winter Wren Britannia Jan. 29
     Golden-crowned Kinglet Larose Forest Dec. 5
     Eastern Bluebird Lac Beauchamp Dec. 18
     Hermit Thrush Shirleys Blvd and Lois Road Dec. 5
     American Robin Rockcliffe Rockeries Dec. 1
     Varied Thrush 988 Calypso, Limoges Jan. 8
     Northern Mockingbird Grandview Road Dec. ?
     Gray Catbird Bourgeau St., Aylmer Feb. 8
     Brown Thrasher c. Larose Forest/c. Dunrobin Jan. 1
     European Starling common Dec. 1
     Bohemian Waxwing Pioneers Trail, Gatineau Park Dec. 1
     Cedar Waxwing Pioneers Trail, Gatineau Park Dec. 1
     Lapland Longspur Giroux Road Jan. 5
     Snow Bunting Rushmore Road/Moodie Drive Ponds Dec. 3
     Yellow-rumped Warbler Navan Jan. 1
     Eastern Towhee 175 Forced Rd near the village of Russell Feb. 11
     American Tree Sparrow Hidla Street Feeders Dec. 3
     Chipping Sparrow Aylmer/Manotick/Rue de Lanorraie Dec. 9/9/18
     Fox Sparrow Dunrobin Dec. 22
     Song Sparrow Parc Baker, Hull Dec. 6
     White-throated Sparrow Rothwell Heights Dec. 5
     White-crowned Sparrow Orleans Dec. 27
     Dark-eyed Junco Britannia/Trail Road Dec. 1
     Northern Cardinal common Dec. 1
     Red-winged Blackbird Hilda Road Feeders Dec. 1
     Common Grackle Carleton Place/Baseline & Pinecrest Dec. 10/15
     Rusty Blackbird Ch Bellechasse/Ch des Terres Feb. 6
     Brown-headed Cowbird A farm on Montée Steiner Dec. 8
     Pine Grosbeak Larose Forest Dec. 3
     Purple Finch Richmond Dec. 1
     House Finch various Dec. 1
     White-winged Crossbill Kallalla Rd, half km South of McDonald Rd Dec. 9
     Red Crossbill Ramsey Lake Road Dec. 9
     Common Redpoll Andrew Hayden Park Dec. 1
     Pine Siskin Rue Kennedy Road Dec. 9
     American Goldfinch various Dec. 1
     Evening Grosbeak Hull Dec. 18
     House Sparrow common Dec. 1
     Not on Checklist

Check the Birding Ottawa  Past Years' Ottawa Winter Lists.
Birding Ottawa's Cumulative Ottawa Winter Lists
Check the last Birding Ottawa Winter Specialty Status page.
Review Past Years' Winter Specialty Status Pages.
See the Birding Ottawa  Ottawa Winter Listing page.
Review the Birding Ottawa  Current RBA or Older RBAs.
Check the Current Winter Finch Forecast or Past Winter Finch Forecasts courtesy Ron Pittaway.
Return to Birding Ottawa  Where and When to See Guide.
Return to Birding Ottawa  Table of Contents.

Copyright © 2000 - 2012     Larry E. Neily