VARIED THRUSH: at Limoges, ON (Jan. 8 to at least Feb. 4, 2012)
GRAY JAY: On Jan. 25, 2011, a Gray Jay was seen on the Eardly-Masham Road, Gatineau Park, QC, near Ramsey Lake. Directions for, and further information about, this site can be found on the Chemin Eardley-Masham (Ramsay Lake Road) page. Received via Ontbirds Jan. 27, 2012, thanks to Bob Cermak, Ottawa, ON. Return to Main List
NORTHERN HAWK OWL: A Northern Hawk Owl was seen near the southwest corner of Perth on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 2 PM - perched high on a tree top scanning the meadow. Seen from Otty Sideroad, near the Scotch Line. Better seen from Scotch Line sometimes. This is the same general area where a Hawk Owl was present last winter. Seen at least to Jan. 23. Directions: Coming on Highway 7 either from west or east, take Drummond Street. south to its end, turn right (west) - this becomes Scotch Line after the first traffic light. Otty Lake Sideroad goes left after a couple of km. Received via Jan. 22, 2012, thanks to Jean Griffin, Perth, ON. Return to Main List
VARIED THRUSH: On January 8, 2012 an adult male Varied Thrush was found at a feeding station on the north-west corner of the property at 988 Calypso Road, Limoges, ON. When not at or under the feeders, the bird goes to the woods on the left side of the house. Has been seen at least through Feb. 4. Please park on the opposite side of the road from the house. Birders are allowed to use the footpath down the left edge of the property and are asked to stay back from the feeders to minimize the disturbance to the birds. Directions: From Highway 417, take the Limoges exit, then go north on Limoges Road, then take the first right (east), Calypso Road. Drive nearly to the end of Calypso Road (about 6 km) to address 988. Received via email 5:40 PM, Jan. 8, 2012, thanks to Giovanni Pari, Ottawa, ON. Originally found by Giovanni Pari and Tom Devesceri. Return to Main List