NeilyWorld      Birding Ottawa - Winter Birding


The links below are to the previous Birding Ottawa Ottawa Winter Lists.
         Many birders try to make the best of our long, COLD winters here in Ottawa by keeping a "Winter List". Birders have arbitrarily set the temporal bounds of "their" winter to include the three months of December, January and February; this despite the thousands of years old convention of reckoning the seasons. A winter list of 90 or more in the Ottawa checklist circle is excellent, but the goal serious listing usually gun for is the 100 species mark.
         The Ottawa Winter List is meant to be a combined list for all Ottawa birders to submit to, and hopefully will be an accurate reflection of which species have been seen this winter within our OFNC checklist circle (50 km radius from the Peace Tower).
Birding Ottawa's Cumulative Ottawa Winter Lists

Birding Ottawa's 2010- 11 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's 2009- 10 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's 2008- 09 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's 2007- 08 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's 2006- 07 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's 2005- 05 Ottawa Winter List

Birding Ottawa's Current Ottawa Winter List

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Copyright © 2000 - 2011     Larry E. Neily
Last update:  December 1, 2011