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Note: Butterflies are remarkably like birds. They fly and many are quite beautiful, and since they often catch the keen birder's eye, it is not surprising that many birders also study butterflies at one time or another. There are useful field guides to butterflies, such as the Peterson Field Guides Eastern Butterflies by Paul A. Opler and Vichai Malikul, 1992. Butterflies through Binoculars, The East by Jeffrey Glassberg attempts to allow the study of butterflies without the collection of same. Much as birders have largely replaced the gun with binocs and cameras; this guide leans toward replacing the net with binocs and cameras for butterfly study. Some species, however, are still difficult to identify except in the hand. Butterflying can be great fun, especially in the heat of the day when most birds are quiet.
There are several resources for local butterfly study. High on that list are the Checklist of the Butterflies of the Ottawa District (1996) and The Butterflies of Canada (1998), both by Peter Hall, Ross Layberry & Don Lafontaine. The 3-fold card checklist contains a list of the 87 species occurring locally. It also has a flight chart showing the relative abundance over the April to October time period, in approximately 5 day intervals, for each of the 80 most common species. The splendidly illustrated book covers nearly 300 species found in Canada, and is the first comprehensive guide to the entire nation. Another indispensible tool for local butterfliers is the special butterfly issue of the OFNC's Trail and Landscape, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1982. This issue may still be available at the Flecher Wildlife Garden or through the club itself. On the web check out the Butterflies of Canada site which has great species accounts and specimen photos of Canadian species. Also check out the North American Butterflies and Moths site which has good information and a checklist database, mostly for the USA though.
An excellent local photo site is Rick Cavasin's Butterflies of Ottawa. Another fine local butterfly photo site is at Gillian Mastromatteo's PBase Galleries.
On the page below, rare, local and accidental species are marked R, L and A respectively. (Photos below by Larry Neily, some taken outside the Ottawa area, but of species found here.)
Click on any picture to display a larger image.
Olympia Marble
(Euchloe olympia)
Constance Bay (off Bishop Davis Drive)
April 30, 2010
Clouded Sulphur
(Colias philodice)
Nicholls Island
July 31, 2010
Orange Sulphur
(Colias eurytheme)
Woodbridge, VA
July 4, 2007
American Copper
(Lycaena phlaeas)
Silk Farm Audubon, Concord, NH
October 3, 1992
Banded Hairstreak
(Satyrium calanus)
Just South of Remic Rapids
June 27, 2008
Eastern Pine Elfin
(Callophrys niphon)
Constance Bay (Whistler Road)
April 30, 2010
Brown Elfin - worn
(Callophrys augustinus)
Monty's Bog, W of Masham,QC
June 18, 2011
Hoary Elfin
(Callophrys polia)
Golden Line Road, E of Almonte,ON
May 2, 2010
Hoary Elfin
(Callophrys polia)
Golden Line Road, E of Almonte,ON
May 2, 2010
Henry's Elfin - L
(Callophrys henrici)
Carp Ridge on Thomas Dolan Parkway
May 8, 1993
Eastern Tailed Blue f - R
(Everes comyntas)
Occoquan Bay NWR, VA
October 9, 2007
Eastern Tailed Blue - R
(Everes comyntas)
Woodbridge, VA
July 4, 2007
Atlantis Fritillary
(Speyeria atlantis)
Chemin Sincennes, Lac La Peche, QC
June 18, 2011
Bog Fritillary
(Boloria eunomia)
Monty's Bog, W of Masham,QC
June 18, 2011
Bog Fritillary
(Boloria eunomia)
Monty's Bog, W of Masham,QC
June 18, 2011
(Boloria selene)
Champlain Lookout Trails, Gatineau Park
June 11, 2011
(Boloria selene)
Monty's Bog, W of Masham,QC
June 18, 2011
Meadow Fritillary
(Boloria bellona)
Paauw Road
July 22, 2003
Gorgone Checkerspot - L
(Chlosyne gorgone)
SW of Oxford Mils, ON
July 11, 2010
Gorgone Checkerspot - L
(Chlosyne gorgone)
SW of Oxford Mils, ON
July 11, 2010
Silvery Checkerspot - L
(Chlosyne nycteis)
n. Luskville, QC
July 5, 1992
Harris' Checkerspot - L
(Chlosyne harrisii)
Richmond Road Trails
June 17, 2011
Harris' Checkerspot - L
(Chlosyne harrisii)
Pinhey Forest Reserve: Slack Road
June 16, 1992
Northern Crescent
(Phyciodes cocyta)
Church Hill Picnic Area, Ramsey Lake Road, QC
June 24, 2007
Question Mark - very fresh
(Polygonia interrogationis)
Petrie Islands
July 9, 2011
Question Mark
(Polygonia interrogationis)
West Springfield, VA
October 12, 2007
Eastern Comma
(Polygonia comma)
Huntmar Road
July 1, 1992
Eastern Comma
(Polygonia comma)
Ottawa West
May 13,2011
Eastern Comma
(Polygonia comma)
Ottawa West
May 13,2011
Gray Comma
(Polygonia progne)
Cambrian Road
July 13, 1992
Gray Comma
(Polygonia progne)
Allan Road, SE of Chesterville, ON
July 12, 1992
Compton's Tortoiseshell
(Nymphalis comptoni)
Britannia Conservation Area
April 26, 1992
Mourning Cloak
(Nymphalis antiopa)
Britannia Conservation Area
April 26, 1992
Milbert's Tortoiseshell
(Aglais milberti)
Mountain Provincial Wildlife Area
July 2, 2004
American Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
West Springfield, VA
September 20, 2008
American Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
West Springfield, VA
September 20, 2008
Painted Lady
(Vanessa cardui)
near Hexton, ON
July 4, 1992
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
Fletcher Wildlife Gardens
July 24, 2011
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
Golden Line Road, E of Almonte,ON
May 2, 2010
Buckeye - R
(Junonia coenia)
Huntley Meadows Park, VA
October 11, 2007
(Limenitis archippus)
Huntley Meadows Park, VA
July 3, 2007
Hackberry Emperor
(Asterocampa celtis)
Petrie Islands
July 9, 2011
Hackberry Emperor
(Asterocampa celtis)
Petrie Islands
July 9, 2011
Hackberry Emperor
(Asterocampa celtis)
Twin Oaks Tavern Winery, Bluemont, VA
August 9, 2012
Northern Pearly Eye
(Enodia anthedon)
Allen Road, near Grantley, ON
July 12, 1992
Northern Pearly Eye
(Enodia anthedon)
East of Charlottetown, PEI
July 23, 2007
Eyed Brown - L
(Satyrodes eurydice)
Petrie Islands
July 9, 2011
Appalachian Brown - L
(Satyrodes appalachia)
Paauw Road
July 22, 2003
Two Spectacular Ottawa Moths
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