NeilyWorld      Birding Ottawa - Local Bird and Nature Photographers


         This page introduces local photographers (professional, amateur, and even beginners) who shoot birds and display them on the internet. Many avid birders are also avid photographers, and many avid photographers have become captivated by birds. Here you will see samples of their work, brief biographical sketches, photos of the photographers and a link to their websites. As they say in many disclaimers: quality may vary (especially in my own photo gallery). But if you haven't seen their work, you will not believe how good many Ottawa area photographers are. That is until you have reviewed some of their fantastic shots on their websites. Over the years you may have seen some of these shots displayed on NeilyWorld in various places. Now this page allow quick access to a good variety of sites for bird (and other) photographs.

Rough-legged Hawk - Ottawa, ON - Nov. 18, 2008 - photo by Michael CummingsMichael Cummings
         MICHAEL CUMMINGS:   Michael began photography in 2002 when he began shooting for his gardening website. He found he enjoyed it so much that in 2005 he bought his first D-SLR. From that point on he has been taking photographs every change he can get. Birds became a favourite topic for his photography. He admits there are many birds he does not know yet and photography is the perfect way to capture an image and then identify it later. This way he has increased his knowledge of various species in the Eastern Ontario area.
         During his travels he has had the pleasure to meet other photographers and birding enthusiasts, many of whom offer excellent advice and new locations on how to find and photograph these wonderful creatures. To all those who have helped him grow as a photographer and birder he thanks them very much.
You can view his photography at

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Violaceous Trogon - Fall 2007 - Panama - photo by Tony BeckTony Beck
         TONY BECK:   Tony Beck is a professional Birder and Photographer based in Ottawa, his home since he was born. His love for nature started with weekend family explorations around Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. It became serious in the late 70's during lengthy visits to the family cottage in the hills of Quebec north of Ottawa. During this time, he attempted to capture celestial images with a camera piggy-backed on an astro-telescope. His astro-photography failed miserably. But other subjects were less demanding. His photos are now published in many books, calendars and magazines. And, he offers a number of local programs including Birding Field Trips and Photography Workshops. As a freelance Tour Guide, he travels to many destinations across North, Central and South America.
To learn more about his programs and services, or to view his galleries, visit his website: Always An Adventure.

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Blackburnian Warbler - Ottawa, ON - Jul. 4, 2007 - photo by Daniel CadieuxDaniel Cadieux
         DANIEL CADIEUX:   Daniel Cadieux is a birder/naturalist/photographer specializing in bird photography. Born and raised in Ottawa, he took to the area's nature trails and riverbanks from an early age in search of birds and other types of wildlife. Always wanting to bring back memories from his excursions he would sometimes borrow his father's 35mm camera to take home photographs of the wildlife he observed.
         For a while photography was put on the backseat, but the binoculars never left and bird watching was always predominant in his daily affairs. Flash forward to 2005 when Daniel bought his first DSLR, making photography once again his primary means to forever capture his sightings in the field.
You can view his award winning photography at

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Northern Mockingbird - Ottawa, ON - Jan. 15, 2008 - photo by Francine Ouellette-StreetingFrancine Ouellette-Streeting
         FRANCINE OUELLETTE-STREETING:   Francine was born and raised in Ottawa and is still a resident of our Nation’s Capital. She has always enjoyed nature walks and dabbling in photography. In 2004, she took on a more active role in photography with lengthier walks and her first digital camera in hand. This activity also served as physiotherapy for a physical ailment. She has been inspired by columnist Elizabeth Le Geyt and her affiliated web site - World of Birds. She has had much inspiration, encouragement, and guidance in bird identification from Mr. Tony Beck – Nature Photographer and Tour Guide. Her recent Rare Bird find; the Townsend’s Solitaire in Parkwood Hills, became an eye-opening experience and encouraged her to continue observing and photographing birds and wildlife in general.
Click here to link to Francine's Photo Gallery.

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White-eyed Vireo - photo by Brian Young
Brian Young - Ottawa, ON          BRIAN YOUNG:   Brian was born and raised next to Gatineau Park in the municipality once called Breckenridge, now known as Chelsea, in the Hollow Glen sector.
         His first interest in nature became apparent with the enjoyment of hiking in the foothills of the Gatineau Park, spending time along the shores of Beamish Lake and wandering through the farm fields and meadows. This love of nature has continued throughout his life as he has canoed, biked and hiked, touring different regions of Canada and the United States. Whether sitting in the meadows of the conifer forests of Northern Quebec, walking the coastlines of the Atlantic, hiking the West Coast Trial or biking the Rockies; he has always taken the time to observe the wildlife, which captured his foremost attention.
         He started photographing birds in 2005, adding new photos to his bird portfolio, which he had started in the 1950’s. Today, his wife Lise, who is retired, and himself, who is self-employed, spend all their available time outdoors; planning their holidays in locations which will provide an opportunity to see and hear new birds.
Click here to link to his Classic Collection of North American Birds.

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Great Blue Heron - Great Falls Park, VA - May 26, 2007 - photo by Larry Neily
Larry Neily - Ottawa, ON - Apr. 19, 2007 - photo by Antoinette Richmond          LARRY NEILY:   Larry has been an avid birder for over 40 years. He has been taking pictures of them with various equipment, including a Kodak Instamatic, since the 1970's. He has captured nearly 500 species in the ABA area alone. Warning: quality varies from very good to very poor. He works as a remote sensing and GIS specialist, chairs the Tabitha Foundation (Canada) which works among the poorest in Cambodia, publishes the Canadian Listers' Corner, and operates the Birding Ottawa website.
Click here to link to his Bird Photo Gallery.

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Copyright © 2000 - 2009     Larry E. Neily
Last update:  October 25, 2009